Note - this old version of the CS website will only be kept until the end of May.
Things are being moved over to the new format at and


Building and Faculty Offices   Computer Science is part of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in Root Hall. A map to faculty offices is below. CS faculty are in the northwest corner of the building.

Classrooms   Most CS courses are taught in one of the classrooms in the basement of Root Hall. About half of all CS courses are taught in room A-017 in the basement of Root Hall. A-017 is a lab classroom, with 36 seats and a Linux PC at each seat.

Labs and Tutoring   Room A-015, the so-called "Unix Lab", is a small computer lab that is open most business hours for students to work on assignments, seek tutoring help, or just hang out. See the Help page for the schedule of the lab and information about tutoring. The student ACM club normally meets in the Unix lab.