CS151, C Programming, Spring 2015


Course Texts :

The C Programming Language, B. Kernighan, and D.M. Ritchie,

Printice Hall PTR, Second Edition 2012.

Instructor : Arash Rafiey (arash.rafiey@indstate.edu) Office : Root Hall A-127

Date and Place :

Lectures : Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 am – 11:50 am

Office hours : Tuesdays 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Root Hall A-127

Grading :

·       6 Assignments (each 4 %)

·       Midterm (26 %)

·       Final Exam (50 %)

Lecture Notes :

Lecture1 (Introduction) (slides)

Lecture2 (Types and Operators) (slides)

Lecture3 (Control Flow Statements) (slides)

Lecture4 (Control Flow II) (slides)

Lecture5 (Control Flow III) (slides)

Lecture6 (Arrays and Strings ) (slides)

Lecture7 (Functions in C) (slides)

Lecture8(Functions in C II) (slides)

Lecture9 (Pointers I) (slides)

Lecture10 (Pointers II) (slides)

Lecture11 (Pointers III) (slides)

Lecture12 (Files I/O) (slides)