NAME: BD4ISU quiz over R basics Based on the short descriptions, please write down the reserved word / operator / function. (1) Reserved words 1.0) jumps out of a loop 1.1) result of math operation that would give infinity (e.g., 1/0) 1.2) loop that iterates through a vector, matrix, etc. 1.3) loop that repeats forever until a break statement inside the loop 1.4) jump back to top of a loop 1.5) specifies statements to run when ```if``` condition is not true 1.6) the null object, has length 0 1.7) execute a statement only if a condition is true 1.8) boolean values 1.9) result of math operation where result is not defined (e.g., 1/0 - 1/0) 1.10) loop that iterates as long as a boolean condition is true 1.11) value for missing data (e.g., no empty cell in an imported csv file), "dominates" in operations (e.g., 1 + NA will result in NA) (2) Operators and Punctuation 2.0) not equal to 2.1) delimiting a compound statement 2.2) grouping for order of operations 2.3) addition 2.4) indexing into array 2.5) boolean or 2.6) integer division 2.7) floating point division 2.8) model formula 2.9) indexing into a list 2.10) matrix multiplication 2.11) boolean and 2.12) multiplication 2.13) list indexing in data frame 2.14) boolean not 2.15) sequence 2.16) remainder 2.17) test equal to (3) Functions 3.0) maximum 3.1) set the directory 3.2) correlation 3.3) number of rows 3.4) minimum 3.5) read a csv file 3.6) summation 3.7) intersection 3.8) average 3.9) union 3.10) search for substring 3.11) printing 3.12) repeat items 3.13) take a substring of a string 3.14) create a vector 3.15) # items in vector 3.16) pull out unique items 3.17) dimensions 3.18) summarize data frame 3.19) view in graphical viewer 3.20) number of columns