HW6 grading 0 for the assignment if the file does not load at all. 4 points for each problem, 8 points total. For turtle problem, full points if it is something reasonable. -.5 for not having mainloop(). -1.5 you really just copied something from what we did in class and didn't make hardly any change. -2 if you really didn't have it do anything... For the string question, * Note: the comments said it just needed to be correct on '\\' or '/', so as long as the function is correct on those test cases you are fine. -1 if returning the \ or / as part of the returned string. -.5 if only returning correct answer on either \ or / because using os.path.split function. -2 hard-coded to work only for the particular test cases given in the hw assignment. Note - your function should work for arbitrary inputs - that is the whole point of a function! -3 just returning the divider -3 something hard-coded, but not even the test cases from the hw file. Note: mainloop needs to be the /last/ command that is run after all your turtle drawing and setup commands are done.