---------------------------------------- ** On computer portion. Points: 20 points total, 5 points each question. 1) In this directory, create a file called exam1Stuff.txt. In the file, put your name at the top. Save the file. 2) Compile the file convertExamb.cpp that is in this directory. Compile the file so the executable program is called conv. Run the conv program and copy/paste what is printed into the exam1Stuff.txt file as the answer to question 2. 3) The file passwordExam.cpp in this directory asks the user to enter an integer code. It checks that the code is correct before printing that the password has been entered correctly. Modify the program so that it accepts what they entered as being correct as long as they are within 1 of the correct answer. 4) The file addExamb.cpp in this directory is supposed to add up the even numbers between 1 and 500. It has a syntax error right now, so it won't compile. Fix the syntax error, and compile the program so the executable program is called addition. !!!!!IMPORTANT!!!! When you are done with the exam, run the program finishExam that is in this directory. You will receive 0 credit for the exam if you do not run this file. Do not run finishExam until you are done!!!