---------------------------------------- ** On computer portion. Points: 20 points total 1a/1b: 10 points 1c/1d: 4 points 2a,2b,2c: 6 points 1a) In this directory, create a program called hello.cpp The program should say hello to the user and ask them how they are doing today. After the user types their answer, the program should say "Oh, that's nice.". When you compile the program, make it called h (so -o h). 1b) In this directory, create a program called helloAgain.cpp Start with your program from number 1 (e.g., cp hello.cpp helloAgain.cpp). Modify the program so that it responds as follows * If they say "good" for how they're doing, the program should respond "I think you mean well." * If they say "bad" for how they're doing, the program should respond "I think you mean badly." * If they say well, the program says "Great!". * If they say badly, the program says "I am so sorry. Here is a cookie." * If they say something else, say "Oh, that's nice." When you compile the program, make it called h2 (so -o h2). 1c) In this directory, create a program called helloAgainAgain.cpp Start with your program from number 2 or number 1. Make it so the program repeatedly asks the user how they are doing until they say well. Note - this means a while loop... When you compile the program, make it called h3 (so -o h3). 1d) In this directory, create a program called helloHello.cpp Start with your program from 1c (or 1b, or 1a if you didn't get 1c). Modify the program so it saves a transcript from the program. It should open a text file for writing, use history.txt for the file name. Any time there is a cout, also write to the file. Any time there is a cin, also write what they typed into the file. When you compile the program, make it called h4 (so -o h4). 2a) There is one syntax error in the file isPrimes.cpp. Fix it so the program compiles correctly. When you compile the program, make it called P (so -o P). 2b) There is one syntax error in the file multiples.cpp. Fix it so the program compiles correctly. When you compile the program, make it called m (so -o m). 2c) There is one syntax error in the file syllables.cpp. Fix it so the program compiles correctly. When you compile the program, make it called s (so -o s). !!!!!IMPORTANT!!!! When you are done with the exam, run the program finishExam that is in this directory. You will receive 0 credit for the exam if you do not run this file. Do not run finishExam until you are done!!!