Due Tuesday, Sep 10 by 11:50pm Name: Collaborators: (0) Copy this file from ~jkinne/public_html/cs151-f2013/code/hw4.txt into your handin directory. Put your name at the top and list anyone you worked with as collaborators. (1) Copy three .cpp files from the ~jkinne/public_html/cs151-f2013/code/ directory into your handin directory: shapes.cpp, integers.cpp, and floats.cpp. (2) For each of those .cpp files, compile the program using g++, and run the program. Compile the shapes.cpp file into a program calls s, the integers.cpp file into a program called i, and the floats.cpp file into a program called f. For example, for shapes.cpp, you should do something like - cd ~jkinne/public_html/cs151-f2013/code/ cp shapes.cpp ~/handin/ cd ~/handin g++ shapes.cpp -o s ./s Note - to get full credit, we will look to see if you have the compiled programs (s, i, and f) in your handin directory. (3) When you run the shapes program, what is displayed on the screen. Answer: (4) Copy and paste what is shown on the screen when you run the integers program. Program output: (5) Copy and paste what is shown on the screen when you run the floats program. Program output: (6) For the integers and floats programs, explain what is "strange" about the program output. Answer: