Due Thursday, Sept 19, 2013. NOTES, READ THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!! * On all programs, put a comment at the top of the file like this /* Author: Your name, e.g. Jeff Kinne Collaborators: anyone you worked with, type none if non. Contents: What is in the file, e.g., hw5 password program. */ * On all programs, put some comments every once in a while saying what they do. * On all programs, make them indented so they read nicely. * On all programs, you should have the .cpp file, and you should have the compiled program. We want to see both of these. 1) Copy the file password.cpp from the in-class code into your handin directory. Make sure the filename stays as password.cpp. Edit the file with emacs, pico, or nano so that it tells the user if they are close. If their number is within 10 of the correct password, you should print "You are so close." There is a correct working program in the in-class code. It is called hw5-password. You should make your program so it behaves exactly like hw5-password. You should compile your program so that the program that is run is called hw5-password. So your g++ command should be g++ password.cpp -o hw5-password If you don't have any errors, you run it by typing ./hw5-password 2) In your handin directory, create a file called hellothere.cpp It should be a C/C++ program that asks for the user's first name, asks for their last name, and then says Nice to meet you last, first There is a correct working program in the in-class code. It is called hw5-hellothere. You should make your program so it behaves exactly like hw5-hellothere. You should compile your program so that the program that is run is called hw5-hellothere. So your g++ command should be g++ hellothere.cpp -o hw5-hellothere If you don't have any errors, you run it by typing ./hw5-hellothere Extra Credit: Have your password program check if what the user typed is prime. If it is, tell them it is a prime number. If it is not, tell them it is not. You should still also check if it is the correct password.