HW10 grading. 75 points total. Note: check the file project.txt in your ~/handin/ directory for your grade and comments on your final code. You will see a break down that looks like the following, with numbers filled in for your grade. Final code grade: Style * /10 comments * /5 variable and function names * /5 indentation * /10 general style Functionality * /15 required programming elements * /30 functionality Partner adjustment: 0/75 if you used something from the internet without giving a link in yourc code. That would be plagiarism, and you may get an F for the course if you do that as well. 0/75 if you don't have any project.txt or project.cpp in your ~/handin/ directory. If you're working in a group, you both need to have a copy of the code and project description. 30/75 or somewhere around there if you have something that doesn't compile and you never really did much on it other than what I typed in for you as a starting point. Note: there will be an adjustment factor for those working in a group where one person contributed significantly more to the project than the other. The adjustment factor we are using is as follows: * reduce score by 10% if both partners did their best at contributing to the project, but the resulting project is clearly out of the range of the "weaker" partner who did't do as much of the coding/debugging. * reduce score by 20% - similar to the 10% reduction, but the "weaker" partner at times just relied on the stronger partner and didn't contribute as much. * reduce score by 40% - "weaker" partner didn't really do any of the programming/coding, of their own choosing, but did contribute to the design. * reduce score by more than 40% - for groups where one of the partners was not available to work and didn't really do anything. 30 points for programming style * 10 pts - comments, including comments at the top of the file, at the beginning of each function, and throughout * 5 pts - variable and function names * 5 pts - indentation * 10 pts - general style - do you have if's or while loops that really aren't necessary, etc. 45 points for program functionality/requirements * Required programming elements. 15 points total. -3 pts for each of the following that are missing or not functional. + functions + if statements + loops + user input/output + file input/output + arrays * Program functionality. 30 points total. + 30/30 program is fully functional, with no errors, and you did everything Jeff/Brandon asked you to. + 20/30 program pretty much works, but there are things Jeff/Brandon asked you to do that you didn't and/or there are pieces of the program that don't work or become broken depending what the user types. + 10/30 program has some functionality but isn't really a fully functioning program. + 0/30 program doesn't really do anything, seems like a bunch of gibberish. + And interpolate between those.