Login into your computer and do each of the following. Note: all filenames and text below are case sensitive - if it is lower case here, then do lower case! 0) Make sure your handin directory is spelled and capitalized correctly (all lower case). If it is not, use the mv command to correct it. 1) 5 points Go into your handin directory, and create a new directory called quiz2b. 2) 5 points In the quiz2b directory, create a new text file called last.txt In the file, type your last name in lower case (so Prof. Kinne would type kinne). Do not put anything else in the file. 3) 5 points Copy the hw2.txt file from the in-class code directory ~jkinne/public_html/cs151-f2013/code/ into your quiz2b directory. Do not modify the file in any way, it should be an exact copy. 4) 5 points Go back to your home directory ~. Create a new text file there called sycamore.txt. In sycamore.txt, type your sycamore id (that's the login you use to login to blackboard). Type it in all lower case (Prof. Kinne would type jkinne).