#!/usr/bin/env python3

from random import randint

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # list comprehension is cool stuff
    # open the csv file
    # read the file
    # splitting on new line characters
    # loop for each line in the file
    # condition is each non empty line
    # make tuple from first index of line and get a random int
    # If we were appending it would be li.append((randint, name))
    # list of tuples [ (100, 'bob'), (88, 'tom') .....]
    names = [(randint(0,100), l.split(',')[0]) for l in open('people.csv').read().split('\n') if l != '']
    print('Lowest 10:')
    [print(n) for n in names[:10]]
    print('Top 10:')
    [print(n) for n in names[:10]]