CS 151, fall 2019
Exam 2

Grading - unless stated otherwise each part is worth 1 point.  There are a total of __ points.

Please fill in the following.

0) Name:

1) Python keywords (8 points, 1/2 point each, around 16 on the exam)
For this section answer with the appropriate python keyword

1.1) Data type for True and False:

1.2) Loop with only condition:

1.3) Test if something is inside of a list/string/tuple/dictionary:

1.4) Function to write to the screen:

1.5) Function to convert a string to an integer:

1.6) Boolean values (two keywords):

1.7) Conditional statements (three keywords):

1.8) Boolean operator, True only if both sides are True:

1.9) To load a module:

1.10) Special value for a variable that has no value: 

1.11) Exit the current loop:

1.12) Remove from a list by position:

1.13) Loop with that iterates through a list:

1.14) Keyword to send a value back from a function:

1.15) Declare a function:

1.16) Go back to top of the loop (end the current iteration): continue

1.17) Function to generate a sequence of numbers:

1.18) Function to get the length of a string:

1.19) For using variable from main program inside a function:

1.20) End the current loop: 

1.21) Exception handline (5 keywords):

1.22) Determine whether two objects are the same object(not just value):

1.23) Text data type:

1.24) Boolean operator, True if either side is True:

1.25) Boolean operator, negates: 

2) Evaluate the Python expression (8 points, 1/2 point each, around 16 on the exam)
Assume the following initialization code has just run.  Write exactly what Python would print as the result of each expression.
line = 'Hello, my name is HAL.'
L = line.split(' ') : ["Hello,", "my", "name", "is", "HAL."]
color = 'orange'
pi = 3.14
prime = 7
d = {'num': pi, 'list': L, 'tuple': (0, 1, 2)}

def total(var):
  t = 0
  for x in var: 
    t = t + x
  return x

def cat(var):
  s = ''
  for x in var:
    s = s + str(x)
  return s

2.1) 'N' in color: False

2.2) cat(d['tuple']): "012"

2.3) 3 <= 3: True

2.4) prime == 'prime': False

2.5) 'n' in color: True

2.6) int('7') + int('6'): 13

2.7) color * 3: "orangeorangeorange"

2.8) prime // 2: 3 (// means integer division drop the decimal)

2.9) not False: True

2.10) 3 < 3: False

2.11) line[0]: H

2.12) 4 + 2 * 3: 10

2.13) '0' in d['tuple']: False

2.14) len(color): 6

2.15) 7 + 6: 13

2.16) prime % 2: 1 (remainder of 1)

2.17) pi == 3.1: False

2.18) str(7) + str(6): "76"

2.19) False or True: True

2.20) len('hi there'): 8

2.21) '7' + '6': "76"

2.22) cat('hello'): "hello"

2.23) 4 * 2 + 3: 11

2.24) 3 == 3: True

2.25) total(range(0, 4)): sum of all of positive nubmers from 1 to n: n(n+1)/2 = 6

2.26) True and False: False

2.27) L[0]: "Hello,"

2.28) 'int("7")' + 'int("6")': 'int("7")int("6")'

2.29) d['tuple'][1]: 1

2.30) 3 != 3: False

2.31) prime ** 2: 49

2.32) len(L): 5

2.33) len([1, 2, 4]):3

3) Short Python (1.5 points each, around 8 points total on the exam)
Assume the initialization code from problem 2 has just been run.  For each of the following, give the python code to complete the task.

3.1) set pi to be itself divided by 2: pi = pi/2

3.2) print keys in d variable: [print(key) for key in d]
for key in d:

3.3) print first item in L variable: print(L[0])

3.4) print total of 10+11+12+...+20:
The sum of 1-20 minus sum of 1-9
print(20(20-1)/2 - 9(9-1)/2)

3.5) add pi and prime variables, save into variable named y: y = pi + prime

3.6) print each letter in line variable on a separate line: [print(x) for x in line]
for x in line:

3.7) print first 3 characters in color variable:
# Each on a seperate line
[print(x) for x in color[:3]]
# Print on one line

4) Python functions (8 points total on the exam, 2-3 problems)
Create a python function to do each of the following.  Note - on the test there will be two.

4.1) Parameters are a list and an integer n, print first n items in the list one
per line

def print_n_items(li, n):
    [print(x) for x in li[:n]]

4.2) Parameter is a dictionary, changes all values to be None (leave keys as they are)

def null_dictionary(d):
  for key in d:
      d[key] = None

4.3) Parameter is a list of numbers, returns the minimum assume list is not
sorted, assume the list contains atleast 1 element.

def get_min(li):
    minimum = li[0]
    for x in li:
        if x < minimum:
           minimum = x
    return minimum

4.4) Parameter is a filename - open, read and print the file

def print_file(path):
        fd = open(path)

    except FileNotFoundError:
        print('File not found')

5) Play computer (8 points total on the exam, 2-3 problems)

5.1) Selection Sort

def selection_sort(arr):

    for i in range(len(arr)):
        # index of the minimum index
        minx = i

        for j in range(i+1, len(arr)):
            if arr[j] < arr[minx]:
                minx = j

        # Swap values
        tmp = arr[minx]
        arr[minx] = arr[i]
        arr[i] = tmp

L = [7, 3, 9, 2]

For each value of i, write what L is at the end of the loop inside selection_sort

L = [2, 3, 9, 7]

L = [2, 3, 9, 7]

L = [2, 3, 7, 9]

L = [2, 3, 7, 9]

5.2) Play Computer

def countdown(i):
  if i > 0:
    # originally the return statement was missing here
    # If there was no return statement the function would have returned None for any positive number
    return countdown(i//2)
    return i

L = [3, 1, 8]

L[0] = countdown(L[0])
L[2] = countdown(L[2])

[0, 1, 8]
[0, 1, 0]

i: 3 1 0 8 4 2 1 0
