# I want this to be like okay google, siri, alexa.  Jeff's plan is to
# add to this throughout the semester.
# Goal - make it respond correctly to things like -
#  "what is 2 + 3"
#  "what is 2 * 3"
#  "convert 23 fahrenheit to celsius"
#  "convert 1 mile to km"
#  "what time is it" (in CITY)
#  "random number between 1 and 100"
#  "random coin flip"
#  "random die roll"

# assume num is going to be some number, from and to are strings
#   that could be "miles", "km", ...
def convert(num, units_from, units_to):
    if units_from == "miles" and units_to == "km":
        return num * 1.609
    elif units_from == "km" and units_to == "miles":
        return num / 1.609
        return None

done = False

while not done:
    print("Hello, this is Jeff.  What can I do for you?")

    # get a line from the user, note that this is a string
    line = input("")

    # split it into "words"
    words = line.split(" ")
    # words is a list
    whatToDo = words[0]

    if whatToDo == 'convert':
        number = float(words[1])
        unit1 = words[2]
        to = words[3]
        unit2 = words[4]

        print(number, unit1, to, unit2)
        if to != 'to':
            print('I do not understand.')

        result = convert(number, unit1, unit2)

    elif whatToDo == 'quit':
        done = True

print("So long.")