CS 151, fall 2019 Quiz 2 Grading - each part is worth the same amount. There are 22 parts. You get an additional 3 points for having your name properly entered into the system (by using the command chfn). You will be given a score out of 25. In the gradebook (blackboard) this will be scaled to be out of 5 HW/quiz points. Please fill in the following. 0) Name: 1) Commands What is the Linux command to do each of the following? 1.1) Copy a file: cp 1.2) Change directories: cd 1.3) Remove a file: rm 1.4) Make a new directory: mkdir 1.5) Move a file or directory: mv 1.6) Remove a directory: rmdir 1.7) List directory contents: ls 1.8) Edit a text file: nano 1.9) Print current directory: pwd 1.10) See which users are logged in: finger 1.11) View the manual for a command: man 1.12) See which user you are logged in as: whoami 1.13) Print the name of the computer you are running commands on: hostname 1.14) Clear the screen: clear 2) Getting Around in the Terminal What is the correct thing to type for each of the following in the Linux terminal? 2.1) shortcut to your home directory (one character): ~ 2.2) top of the entire file system (like C: on Windows, one character): / 2.3) one directory higher than you are now (two characters): .. 2.4) current directory (one character): . 2.5) wildcard, used to match multiple files (one character): * 2.6) run the command just typed (one key): enter 2.7) auto-complete the command or file name you are typing (one key): tab 2.8) scroll through the commands you have executed (two keys): up/down