Homework 1, information about what points were taken off for. -.5 for no name and list of collaborators in the ''' ''' at the top. Make sure to leave those in and put your name. -.5 if turned in as multiple python files. Save it as one file, and keep the name hw1.py. -1 if not turned in as an attached .py file. Or if file was saved from the python shell, and so does not run. If problem was not done at all, then all points were taken off for that problem. Note: You should never turn in a program that does not run. You should at least fix the syntax errors so that it runs before turning it in. Problem 1 (3 Points) -1 Did not use variables in formulas in the print statements. -1 Incorrect formulas used for price/GB. It should be prince/GB. -.25 Used integers, should have put decimal points for floats. -1 Error in the code and does not run. E.g., trying to + float and string together. -1 Tried to set variables to values that are not valid values, like memoryPrice = $28 or harddriveGigabytes = 1TB. Problem 2 (4 Points) -.5 per line that was not fixed correctly. -.5 if you said how to fix the errors, but put a description of that which was not in comments, so your code still did not run. Problem 3 (4 Points) -.5 volume function defined multiple times. -1.5 did not use volume function to print the values. -2 errors in the program, not using volume function correctly, but some effort in that direction. -.5 Did not print the volume of the sizes asked for. Printed volumes of some other sizes, or asked the user for the dimensions. -1.5 Volume function called correctly but not defined correctly. -3 Volume function not defined or called correctly, not really close either. -.5 Defined a new function for each box. -1.5 Did not call the function correctly, not close either. -1 Correct volume function, and called it from the python shell instead of in your hw1.py file. Problem 4 (4 Points) -2 part a not done. -2 part b not done. -.25 comments being indented wrong made your program have an error and not run. -.25 did not use ''' ''' comments for functions, or put them in the wrong place. Put them right after the function definition line, and indented with the rest of the function. Or did not have in the format I talked about - Arguments, Outputs/Return. -.5 did not have a description in your comments about what the function does, what the parameters are for, what the return values are. -.25 one or very few mistakes in trace for part b. For example, 100 when 100.0 was the right answer. Or did not indicate the values of the variables when finalGrade started. -.5 did not have creation of variables when functions started. -.5 did not show correct order that functions are executed. -.5 did not have actual values (numbers) for the variables in your trace. -.5 trace of program was not put in comments, so it is making your program not run. -1 part b not in the format we talked about in class. -.75 Did not show what happens when some of the functions were called. Extra Credit (1 point max) +1 counted if it was answered correctly. +.5 If it works but does not follow the directions in some way. E.g., you redefined the functions from problem 4 even though is not needed. Or you did not put the code into a function like the problem asked you to. +.25 Would have worked if you had converted the raw_input to float.