HW7 grading, what points were taken off for. For each problem, if what you have is just plain wrong, confusing, and not really close at all, I'll give a judgement call of somewhere between taking off all of the points to half, depending on if there is anything there that is worthwhile. Otherwise, it's based off of the following... For each problem, if what you have shows that you understand what to do (use an if, or a while, etc.) but your syntax is all wrong, then it will be about 1/2 off. Problem 1, 3 Points -.75 per mistake. Problem 2, 4 Points -3 or so if you just did not do it the right way. remember to check hw1Solution.py for the correct format to use. 1.5pst for showing specific values. 1.5pts for showing the right order of execution (functions, loops). 1pt for showing when variables are created/changed (including when functions start). Partial credit for each of those depending on how close to correct. -.5 something minor - had return happening more than once in a function, missed a variable initialized when a function starts, did not have quotes around string values, etc. Problem 3, 4 Points -2.5 You got some kind of start, but did not seem to know what was going on. -1 It seems you had some understanding, you have a loop, but it's wrong. Problem 4, 4 Points -1.5 Correctly fixed one of the problems but not fix the others. -.75 Correctly did two of the three parts. -1 Small error making your code not run, but otherwise correct. Note: don't turn in code that does not run!