Exam 2 Grading... Paper part, 20 points. 1 and 2 - 12 points total. * 8 points for whichever problem you did better on, 4 points for the other. Most people did better on problem 1. * 1/2 of the points for the correct final result, 1/2 for showing variables and functions. * Number 1 - -1 if everything correct but showed it for i=i+1 instead of i=i+5 Number 3. * -1 if listed 4 parts correctly with no explanation * -2 example given for 4 parts, but they are not named or explained. * -1 if skipped one of the 4 parts. Notes: * if, while, for - they can all optionally not use {} if there is a single statement that is the body of the loop/if-test. * there does not have to be an if before a while loop. * keeping track of which function a variable is in matters... Computer part, 20 points. exam2a is 6 points total - 3 points for 1 error fixed, 1.5 points for each additional. - For second fixed error, if the code compiles but still doesn't work right because it didn't really fix it correctly, 1 point instead of 1.5. exam2b.c, exam2c.c, exam2d.c, exam2e.c are all "create your own program" questions, where each one builds on what you did in the last one. They are worth 14 points total, and the grading is something like none correct, but some sort of totaling happening in exam2b and some sort of printf/scanf happening in exam2c - though niether is correct, and both show issues: 4 points. exam2b correct, none others: 7 points exam2b, exam2c correct: 11 points exam2b, exam2c, exam2d correct: 13 points all correct: 14 points In other words, best one is worth 7 points, 2nd is 4 points, 3rd is 2 points, last one is 1 point. exam2c.c * 5/7 If the best part and doing printf/scanf right, but after the loop rather than before as it should be.