File: hw1.txt Due date: Before 11:59pm Thursday January 10 Grading: 10 Points total. To do: Answer the following questions. (1) What is your name? (2) Did you work with anyone else on this hw? Note - this includes /anyone/ other than Jeff (e.g., your cousin, the GA in the tutoring lab, a classmate, ...). List anyone who you talked to about it, or worked together. (3) Watch the video describing the course and the syllabus. What is the answer to the "secret question" I asked there? (4) Watch the video describing how to get your software setup. As you watch, follow along and do what it tells you to do to get the software setup on your computer. Use putty and yout cs151 login to login to the CS server. Type the command below > ls ~jkinne/public_html/cs151-s2013/ How many different html files are in that directory?