File: hw13.txt Your name: Did you work with or get help from anyone? Due Friday, April 12 by 11:59pm. Points: 20 points total. Extra credit: none. Copy this file to your handin directory and complete the following... (1) Make a directory in your handin folder called project, and copy your project files into that directory. Include here a brief description of what you are doing for your project, and how to compile and run your project. Project title: Project description: How to compile/run: Who working with: You also need to come see me in my office to discuss the next step for working on your project. The grading for this assignment is something like... * 20/20 Completed the tasks you discussed with me, and came to talk to me about the next tasks. * 17/20 Completed tasks but did not come to see me this week. * 15/20 Came to see me to discuss the project but did not put in enough time to finish the tasks we talked about. * Lower grades possible of course for those who didn't really put enough time in, and didn't really make good progress.