HW2 grading. 10 points total. 0 points if filename wrong or turned in late. 3 points for getting it into the right place with the right filename. #3, 2 points Correct answers: 9, 32, 153 0 points if no work shown. -.5 if at least one done completely correct and anything else is just a careless mistake. #4, 2 points Correct answers: 255, 65,535, 4,294,967,295 0 points if no work shown. -.5 if at least one of 16, 32 bit done completely correct and anything else is just a careless mistake. #5, 2 points Correct answers: 10010111, 1100101100101 0 points if no work shown. -.5 if at least one done completely correct and anything else is just a careless mistake. #6 , 1 point -.5 if not correct but some reasonable-ish changes were made. Extra credit, #7, 2 points at most 1 point if a) correct completely Note: 10! is 362880 1 point if b) correct completely Note: computation should output 65535