You have 30 minutes for this quiz. You may use any files in our cs account, or class files in ~jkinne/public_html/cs151-2013/code You MAY NOT use a calculator, phone, etc. You MAY NOT use written notes. Regular class will resume after the quiz. Total points: 20 HW points, counts as hw9. ------------------------------------------------ Complete as many of the following as possible. 1) In your handin/hw9/ directory, use emacs to create a file called number.c. The program should ask the user to enter an integer. If the number entered is 1 digit, the program says "One digit number". Otherwise, the program says "Heh fancy pants, big number". You can assume they enter a positive number. Note: you can test if a number is one digit by checking if it is less than 10. 1b) Modify your number.c so it tests if the number is two or three digits as well. Here is what you should print, depending on how many digits: 1 digit: "One digit number, ok." 2 digits: "Two digits, ok." 3 digits: "Three digits, don't you think you're special." more digits: "Hold on chief, that's too big." 2) In your handin/hw9/ directory, use emacs to create a file called count.c. The program should print the numbers from 1 up to 20, each number on its own line, using a loop. 2b) Modify your count.c so it prints the numbers counting down, so prints 20 first and 1 last. 2c) Modify your count.c so it prints space before each number. For the number 20 it should print 20 spaces before it, for 1 it prints 1 space before it, etc.