* in your home directory make a directory called public_html * Make an empty html file. call the file index.html * Put in Hello World! inside a paragraph tag p * Put in a text box for them to type their name. Hello World! Name: TEXTBOX * Make a button. On the button, say Click Hello World! Name: TEXTBOX BUTTON * When they click the button run this: "alert('hello')" * add a paragraph called "output" put the phrase "INPUT!" into it put it between "Hello World" and the text box * ABOVE THE BUTTON: add a script tag... * make a function called myFunction this function will: change "output"'s _innerHTML_ to "Number 5 is alive!" * make the button call myFunction when clicked * add an identifier to the first paragraph tag. * add an identifier to the text box * inside myFunction: get the text box get the first paragraph change the first paragraph's _innerHTML_ to... the .value of the text box