Study guide for final exam, CS 151 Spring 2020 Note that we have essentially covered the material in - In particular, the following topics are on the exam. Linux terminal commands and shortchuts * Basic commands and getting around - * Commands to get systerm information - * Fill in the blank for all of those (what is the command, what is the shortcut) * Short answer to create directories, copy/move/delete files, use ls command with -l option Bits, bytes, converting bases * Converting between binary, decimal, hexadecimal (short answer) * Questions on max/min values in binary, decimal, hexadecimal (fill in the blank) * Metric abbreviations used with file/drive sizes, CPU speeds (fill in the blank) * Notes at - Algorithms and running time * Fill in the blank vocab terms (FIB) from quizF - * Short answer questions about algorithms linear search, binary search, selection sort Python * Operators, all except bitwise operators from -,_Expressions - expressions, involving the operators, and concepts about Expressions from the link - short answer or fill in the blank to evaluate python expressions * Keywords (but not the ones from "More keywords") from -,_Concepts,_Functions - concepts and commonly used functions from the link * Play computer with all of the python we know, including using lists, tuples, functions, strings, dictionaries, * Programs similar to the ones at - (but not * Syntax and logical errors - given code with a few mistakes, fix it * Complete the code - given code with a BLANK, fill in the blank to finish the code Break down of points and problems * 15% - Linux commands and shortcuts + 10 randomly selected fill in the blank (FIB) from quiz * 15% - Bits, bytes, converting bases + 10 randomly selected FIB from quiz * 15% - Algorithms and running time + 10 randomly selected FIB from quiz * 20% - Python fill in the blank, evaluating expressions) + 10 randomly selected FIB from quizzes over python + 5 new evaluate expression questions - arithmetic operators and order of operations, strings versus numbers, boolean operations, list/tuple/string indexing, dictionary indexing * 15% - Python code / play computer not involving lists, tuples, dictionaries, functions + 1 play computer, 7 pts + 1 create code, 8 pts * 15% - Python code / play computer involving just one of lists, tuples, dictionaries, functions + 1 play computer, 7 pts + 1 create code, 8 pts * 15% - Python code / play computer involving more than one of lists, tuples, dictionaries, functions + 1 play computer, 7 pts + 1 create code, 8 pts