Presentation grading, for the in-class presentations the last 1/3 of the semester... 50 points total, counted as your project presentation in BB. 30 points for how well I think you understood the material. 27/30 Understood what you were presenting, but not some of the implications of what you were explaining (in terms of efficiency, applications, correctness, etc.). 24/30 Understood most of what you were presenting, there were just one or two things you missed. 21/30 Understood some of what you were presenting but not other parts. 15/30 Understood very little of what you were presenting. 10/30 Did not understand what you were presenting. 20 points for how well I think you explained the material. -2 Did not explain why the topic is of interest, did not put it in context. -3 Poor use of the board, disorganized. -3 Did not use examples, or did not explain them well enough. -3 Did not speak to the class loud enough, only talked to the board. -4 Did not explain running time, efficiency.