General Information

[Note: this webpage last modified Friday, 04-Feb-2011 19:44:51 EST]

This is the website for CS 620 Advanced Theory of Computation offered in the spring of 2011 and taught by Jeff Kinne. The registrar's information about our section of the course is here. You can get the key information about this course by clicking on the links on the left of this webpage.

Special Note: The way we are enforcing the prerequisite for this course has been amended. If you have not taken CS 520 at ISU, you need the instructor's permission to register for the course. If you have taken CS 558 at ISU, you will probably be okay. If you have not taken either of these courses at ISU, you probably are not ready for CS 620. If you have any questions about this, send an email or set up a time to see me.

Another important note is that we are using a different textbook for the course than was used last semester. Click on the syllabus for the textbook information.