HW1, what points were taken off for. * If copied from online, then 0 for the assignment and next occurence will be an F for the course. As indicated in the syllabus. Problem 1, 3 points. -1.25 Correct answers for q=3, k=2 and q=5, k=3 but not for the general case. -2 Not correct even for specific values of q, k. -1 Formula is close to correct. -.5 Correct answers, but poorly written/explained or not properly justified. Problem 2, 3 points. -.75 Algorithm is correct, and running time is correct as a function of m but not of n=log(m). -2 Algorithm is not correct. -1 Algorithm correct, but running time analysis is not correct. -.5 Correct analysis/algorithm, but poorly written and difficult to understand. Problem 3, 4 points. -1 Algorithm is correct, and running time is correct as a function of number values but not in terms of bits. -2.5 Algorithm is not correct. -3 No algorithm given. There is something, but it is not on the right track. -1.5 Algorithm correct, but running time analysis is not correct. -.5 Correct analysis/algorithm, but poorly written and difficult to understand. -.5 Mostly correct, but complexity analysis not complete. Problem 4, 5 points. 0/5 Program does not compile on CS or sent as a Pdf/doc/etc. rather than as a text/source file. 2.5/5 Program lists or computes all the primes, but does not list/count the Fermat primes. -1.5 Fermat prime test has something in it that seems to be on the right track, but is not terribly close. -1 Program does not take inputs off command line as indicated in the problem. -1 Program sometimes gets correct answer but not always. -1 Computed exponentiation without taking mod at each step, so numbers get too big and program only works for very small numbers. -.5 Used wrong test for Fermat - tested if the result was 0 instead of 1. -.5 Fermat test is only checking base 2, not all the bases up to A. -.5 Fermat test only tested one of the bases at a time, not all of them as the question asked.