CS 670, Homework 4. Due: Tuesday, February 5 at 11:59pm. Points: 20 HW points. For questions (1), (2) - put those answers in your hw.txt file. For qeustions (3) - create those programs and leave them in ~yourusername/cs670/handin/ (1) Name: (2) List anyone that you talked to or worked with on your HW. Remember to review the policy in the syllabus on collaborating on HW's. Collaborators: (3) Take mergeSort.cpp from the in class code, and modify it so it does a parallel merge sort with OpenMP. So you should just have each thread allocate howMany random numbers, then have one of the threads merge them together. You should try your program out with howMany being small and print values to make sure it is working correctly. (4) For your program from (3), how much faster or slower does it run if it is running with 1 thread versus 4 (on a machine with at least 4 cores - CS or one of the X machines)? (5) On the next HW, you will make some algorithm || that we have not done in class. Pick one now. Give a link to the algorithm, and say why you have chosen it.