The handin program
Handin is a program for checking out and handing in assignments.
Displaying Outstanding Assignments
By itself, executing handin with no additional command line parameters will display all the class assignments and their due dates. It will also display the last time a specific assignment was submitted, so that you can check your submissions. If your account is not a class account, you can still check, checkout and handin assignments for a specific class using the -c option followed by the class name in question:
handin -c cs456
would select the cs456 class and then display the assignments for the class.
Checking Out an Assignment
Assignments can be copied to your directory using the -C or --checkout option followed by the name of the assignment, i.e.
handin -C h4
would copy the h4 assignment directory to your account where you can then begin working on your assignment.
Submitting Your Assignments
When you have done some work on your assignment, you an submit your assignment using handin followed by the name of the assignment directory (this should be done in the parent directory where the assignment directory is.) i.e.:
handin h4
will submit the h4 assignment.