Jeff Kinne

From Computer Science
Revision as of 22:04, 21 May 2024 by Jkinne (talk | contribs) (Contact)
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This page is maintained by me, Jeff Kinne. I am a professor of computer science at Indiana State University. I have taught just about every CS course that we offer at the BS and MS levels. I was trained in computational complexity (within theoretical computer science) and continue to be interested in this year. Since maybe 2015 or so, most of my research work has been in bioinformatics. If you want a laundry list of things I have done, you can see my C.V. (aka resume).


I am currently in the midst of moving from Root Hall to Technology Center. My email address will not change, and I believe my phone number should stay the same as well.

Email: (also and all go to the same place).

Phone: office phone - 812-237-2126.

Office: within the ECET office suite, TC 301

ISU uses Teams and Zoom for virtual meetings. I am happy to meet on other platforms as well (Google meet, WebEx, Skype, etc.).

Schedule a meeting:

Note: I use a separate email account for things not related to ISU and research (e.g., things having to do with my kids' school, scouts, etc.). If you're not sure what email address to use for me, feel free to use any that you have.

