CS Training
Training modules...
- Python Programming - basic, intermediate
- Linux Use - basic, intermediate
- Discrete Mathematics - basic, intermediate
- Data Structures - basic, intermediate
- Algorithms - basic, intermediate
Sources of info...
- Curated from publicly available sources, put into an outline to meet the goals
- Khan Academy CSP
- TutorialsPoint
- w3schools
- automatetheboringstuff
Software setup
- Docker image with everything needed, all runs on their system
Overall framework...
- Skills-oriented - able to do a specific thing / solve a specific kind of problem
- Problem of the day/week - some public, separate ones used for certifying
- Evaluation - auto-checked problems of the day/week, final interview
- Solution submission - results of running program, just put into a form; their source code, which won't need to be checked unless to verify