Code Projects

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Webpage Creator

C#/Java application that creates a basic webpage.

URL Grabber

C# application form that allows only URLs to be dragged into the windows form.

Questionmatic (Assistant Student Programmer Project)

Developed a web application that allowed students to submit their questions and answers in a textbox with editing features similar to Microsoft word. Created a backend webpage that allowed the professor to view his students' submitted information which are displayed in a table format.

Ascii Pictures

Convert picture into ascii characters. Importing Python libraries which allows me to use image based function.

Tetris Imitation

Imitate tetris game using Python Turtles graphical tools. Able to make the tetris piece fall at a slow rate, can rotate it, and prevent it from passing the left and right borders. Can make the pieces land at the bottom of the screen.

Basic FPS Game

Used Open GL in c language to create a very basic first person shooter game. Utilized graphical functions for creating the monsters, the gun, the bullet, and the maze. Also created collision for each of those objects. Created Structures for defining the player, monsters, and the gunshots. Also used graphical functions to create the running animation of the monsters.

Smart Tic Tac Toe

Created a tic tac toe game where the computer never loses. Created functions in which the computer checks all possible moves of itself and the human player before making its move. Gained an idea of how basic AI works in games.