h1 - HTTP request treasure hunt For this assignment you need to write out HTTP GET/POST requests as indicated by a series of clues. You will handin files that have your requests. For each request, if you issue it properly then the response will have your next clue. The first get request is already complete for you so you. It is in the file get1.txt. To actually send this as a request, it would need \r\n for newlines rather than just \n. You can use the script do_request.sh that is in this directory to send the requests, like this ./do_request.sh get1.txt cs.indstate.edu 47300 The last two parameters will always be cs.indstate.edu 47300 for this assignment because that is the port that I have a server running that checks your HTTP requests and replies with the next clue if you are correct. You have empty files in this directory that you will fill in with the right requests as you figure them out. Good luck! Grading: each correct request is worth 2 points, for a total of 12 Note: checkout the assignment into your account by running handin --class cs473 --checkout h1 And when are finished, you should be in the directory one higher than h1 and can submit with handin --class cs473 h1 You can use your cs473 class account or any other account. If you are using your cs473 account then you don't need to use the --class cs473 option.