CS260 - Object Oriented Programming

Spring 2016



Don't Cheat: Cheaters will be identified, publicly ridiculed, and punished.
Late Work: On the day homework is due, you may ask me to turn in work late for 70% credit, and a one day extension. Work turned in after this will not be accepted.

Final Project

Due May 5, 2017

Java Wrap-Up

  • Final Projects must be approved by instructor.

Extra - 10 Points Possible

Dead Week, Spring, 2017

  • Work on approved extra credit project.

hw4 - 10 Points Possible

Due Thursday, April 13, 2017


        Demonstrate your knowledge of using Eclipse Details:
  • Create an Eclipse project as discussed in class

hw3 - 15 Points Possible

Due Thursday, February 23, 2017

Processing Wrap-Up:

        *This is our final assignment in Processing*
        Demonstrate your knowledge of Classes and Inheritance
        Demonstrate your ability to use a library (Box2D)

  • Use Classes, Inheritance, and Box2D in Processing to create an interactive physics simulation
  • Use Mouse and/or Keyboard input to interact with your Processing program
  • You may work with at most 1 other person
  • In your "sketchbook" directory you should have a directory called "hw3"
  • In that "hw3" directory you should have a "hw3.pde" file

hw2 - 10 Points Possible

Due Thursday, February 9, 2017

Classes & Inheritance:

        Demonstrate your knowledge of Classes and Inheritance with UML Class Diagrams
        Bring a physical copy of your assignment on the due date.

Details: For a maximum of 10 Points:
  • Using UML Class Diagrams, draw a diagram depicting the relationships between any Classes of your choosing
  • Use at least 8 different Classes
  • Every Class Diagram should have a new state and behavior not seen in it's superclass'
  • Draw lines and label any connections between Classes with a few words describing the relationship between them, for example:

    • For Inheritance - A inherits from B (i.e. Lake inherits from Water)
    • For Composition - C has a D (i.e. Lake has a Fish)

  • An example for this project:

    • Cartoon Characters
      • Theres a Bird Class
      • The Bird Class has a Beak Class
      • Tweety Bird inherits from the Bird Class
      • A Duck Class inherits from the Bird Class
      • Daffy Duck and Donald Duck, and Scrooge McDuck Classes all inherit from the Duck Class

  • Arrowheads
    • Skim through this web page and determine the appropriate symbols for Inheritance and Composition
    • Add these symbols to the lines you drew representing Class relationships

hw1 - 10 Points Possible

Due Thursday, February 2, 2017

Processing Intro 2:

        Use Processing to create a Screen Saver.
        Save your Processing sketch as "hw1"

  • Use shapes under "2D Primatives" in the official Processing reference: http://processing.org/reference/
  • This assignment must display animation via the draw() function
  • This assignment must be full screen
  • This assignment must NOT rely on mouse or keybord input
  • This assignment must NOT copy any of my demo programs
  • The animation must attempt to somehow alter the entire screen
  • In your "sketchbook" directory you should have a directory called "hw1"
  • In that "hw1" directory you should have a "hw1.pde" file
        The Canvas (drawing surface) should clear itself after a set number of frames.
  • Use 'frameCount' to determine how many frames have been shown (how long animation has been playing)
  • After after a certain number of frames that you decide, use background() to clear the drawing canvas

        Make use of Classes
  • Each object should be in charge of drawing itself

hw0A - 10 Points - Pass/Fail

Due Thursday, January 19, 2017

Linux Accounts & Processing Intro:

        Use Processing to draw something using basic 2D shapes.
        Save your Processing sketch as "hw0A"

  • Use shapes under "2D Primatives" in the official Processing reference: http://processing.org/reference/
  • After saving your assignment in the default location, you should now have a directory called "sketchbook" in your home directory.
  • In that "sketchbook" directory you should have a directory called "hw0A"
  • In that "hw0A" directory you should have a "hw0A.pde" file

hw0B - 10 Points - Pass/Fail

Due Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Processing Installation:

        Download and install Processing to your personal machine.
        Save a screenshot of your Processing environment and upload the image to your class account.

  • Download and install the Processing environment from: http://processing.org/download/?processing
  • Take a screenshot of the Processing environment running on your personal machine
  • Install some form of File Transfer Software listed here in order to upload your files to your cs260xx account
  • Using the program of your choice, upload your screenshot to your class account in a directory called "hw0B" under your "sketchbook" directory that we created in the previous assignment
  • In your home directory you should have a directory called "sketchbook"
  • In that "sketchbook" directory you should have a directory called "hw0B"
  • In that "hw0B" directory you should have a screenshot image, called anything you want.