Farhad Ahmed Sagar

Simple Accounting

Node.js, JavaScript, Ajax, Jquery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MySql, NodeWebkit

Accounting software build while working for Inflack Limited. Created using NodeJS, it connects to a MySql database and passes data through Ajax as JSON data. It was converted to a Desktop application using NodeWebkit. The application allows users can keep track of their incomes, expenses and daily transactions. It includes an inventory entry and sales management system.



Angular.js, Javascript, HTML, CSS, JSON, Bootstrap

A single page web application made with angular.js that fetches weather information based on users city. Used openweathermap API to get JSON data. Link

ISU Course Review

Node.js, Express, Angular.js, Javascript, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, JSON, Bootstrap

A single page web application for reviewing courses. ISU students can post their reviews on courses they have taken. Build with Mean stack, used Node and Express to create a REST api with MongoDB serving the database needs. Link

ETI Express

JavaScript, Ajax, Jquery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MySql

A web project for a tourism company while working for Inflack Limited. Was a part of the Design and Development team. Communications between the server and client sides were done using Ajax and Python(Django).


Troll Quiz

Java, XML

A quiz based application on the android platform under the name Troll Quiz. It is an entertaining application which is both intelligent and humorous at the same time. Link

Bangladesh Railway Schedule

Java, MySql, XML

Done on android platform, it connects to a MySql database and fetches data. It features the daily railway schedule of Bangladesh Railway. The application features searching option and city by city based schedule. Link

MD5 - Paper

HTML, CSS(Bootstrap), JavaScript, Latex

Master's degree research paper for Advanced software projects class.Link