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IndianaComputes! CS Homeroom

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About Us
The ISU CS Homeroom is supported by the Indiana State University Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, which also hosts undergraduate and graduate programs in Computer Science and Mathematics.
CS Homeroom Coordinator -
Jeff Kinne, professor and
of computer science. Jeff holds CS degrees from
Xavier University in Cincinnati (BS) and the University of
Wisconsin-Madison (MS, PhD). Some of his activities related to CS
education - executive committee and facilitator for IndianaComputes!,
teaches first-year CS students at ISU, coPI for training
grant to train underrepresented students at ISU in biomedical informatics,
has helped develop a program at ISU for CS Teaching, has helped run
coder dojos in Terre Haute for the public, consults with local teachers
and administrators on CS teaching/education.
Contact -
CS Homeroom Facilitator -
Devon Kinne, lecturer of mathematics and computer science.
Devon holds a CS degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati (BS),
computer science teaching from Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin, and
holds an MS in curriculum and instruction from Indiana State Univesity.
Some of her activities related to CS education - facilitator for IndianaComputes!,
licensed to teach and taught high school CS in Wisconsin, teaches first year CS and math
at ISU, teaches K-5 STEM and 6-8 math, has helped develop a program at ISU for CS Teaching, consults
with local teachers and administrators on CS teaching/education.
Contact -
IndianaComputes!- Start here -
IndianaComputes! Status of K-12 CS in Indiana
IndianaComputes! Program Overview
ISU Student Teachers 2020 - Indiana Computes! Piazza course - resources collated by IndianaComputes! Write to us to request access.
- Workforce and Innovation - Computer Science - links to licensing standards, training opportunities, etc. Contact info for IDOE Computer Science Specialist.
Most recent first-
Computer science counts as science elective - 2019 - starting immediately, high
school students can count certatin CS courses towards the science electives for a Core 40
Memo to superintendents and principals -
Diploma requirements - - Computer science teaching license - 2019 - state of Indiana changes name of license category from "computer educator" to "computer science". Standards for the license have also been updated - REPA 2019 - Computer Science.
- Indiana STEM Teach IV - with support for teachers to take courses and workshops for free. Apply by Nov 15 -, list of spring courses/workshops to be announced soon (be on the look out for our CS 151 Intro to Computer Science as an option to take online for free!).
IndianaComputes! CS Homeroom -
launching in a rollout across the state in late fall and winter 2019-2020, to support
computer science locally throughout the state.
Press release - IU - Computer Science Teaching minor - proposal working through approval at Indiana State University with plan to launch in fall 2020. Current ISU students can take courses for the minor already; contact us.
Indiana Department of Education recommends providers to provide training for K-12 computer science.
IDOE recommendations -
Recommended providers - IndianaComputes!, CodeHS, NexTech, Project Lead the Way, iDEW at IUPUI
Final Contracts - to be signed by early 2020 -
Indiana Computer Science Higher Education Advisory Board (IN-CS-HEAB) formed - a consortium
of universities working to help meet state goals for computer science education.
Press releases - ISU, IU
Participating universities - Ball State University, Goshen College, Hanover College, Indiana State University, Indiana Wesleyan University, Indiana University, Indiana University Northwest, Indiana University South Bend, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Purdue University Fort Wayne, University of Evansville, University of Notre Dame, University of Southern Indiana -
Indiana Department of Education issues RFP 20-009 - request for proposals for
providers for state-funded training in computer science to K-12 educators.
Request for proposals - - Indiana Senate Bill 172 - Indiana senate passes bill mandating computer science in K-12 by 2021 and state funding
to provide teacher training in computer science.
Official text -
Press coverage - Inside Indiana Business, WTHI - Indiana computer science statistics (2018) -
Indiana adopts computer science standards for K-8 in 2016.
Current standards - linked from IDOE Computer Science page (direct link)