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The undergraduate programs are listed in the catalog and linked from the [http://cs.indstate.edu/info/programs.html programs page]. The present page contains advice not contained there.  Check the programs page and catalog information first, and then come back here.
The undergraduate programs are listed in the catalog and linked listed at [[CS Programs]]. The present page contains advice not contained there.  Check the programs page and catalog information first, and then come back here.
== Who to Get Advice From ==
== Who to Get Advice From ==
Each student has an official advisor who should approve your selection of courses. First year students normally have an advisor from the University College to make sure you are on track to complete the Foundational Studies requirements. After the first year, students are assigned an advisor in their major. Students who do not yet have a CS faculty member as an advisor should feel free to contact the CS advisors or associate chairperson to get advice and make sure you are taking the right courses.
Each student has an official advisor who should approve your selection of courses. Students normally have a major advisor and a professional university advisor to make sure you are on track to complete the Foundational Studies requirements. Students who do not yet have a CS faculty member as an advisor should feel free to contact the CS advisors to get advice and make sure you are taking the right courses.
The CS faculty who currently serve as advisors for undergraduate students are  
The CS faculty who currently serve as advisors for undergraduate students are  
[[ISU CS People|Jeff Kinne and Luke May]]. Students can also get unofficial advice from other CS faculty and other students. Students should feel free to ask the associate chairperson of CS for advice as well.
[[ISU CS People|Jeff Kinne]]. Students can also get unofficial advice from other CS faculty and other students.  
== Concentrations ==
See the description of the CS major in the Undergraduate Catalog (https://catalog.indstate.edu/index.php) and for descriptions of the concentrations. Some additional notes on the concentrations...
* '''Calculus''' - computing science and data science require calculus, while information science does not.  If you choose one of the concentrations that requires calculus, take a math course each semester until you are through Math 132 Calculus II so that you will have that finished as a prereq when you need it.  If you fear and tremble at the thought of taking calculus, choose the information science concentration.
* '''Time to complete''' - below on this page has programs of study and information about course sequencing.  You will see that the computing science and data science concentrations have a longer "prereq chain" - sequence of courses that have to be taken one before the next.  The information science concentration has more lower level courses and can be completed more quickly.  If you are a transfer student without the first few courses in the major done already, information science would probably have you finish sooner.
* '''Courses outside your concentration''' - you should feel free to take courses outside your concentration as long as they fit in your schedule and you have the prereqs. You need to complete the requirements for one of the concentrations, but that does not prevent you from taking additional CS courses.  In general, the wider exposure you get in your coursework the better.
== Other Courses and General Advice ==
== Other Courses and General Advice ==
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'''Breadth Exposure'''  You must take all the courses from one of the concentrations. For the broadest exposure to computer science, we recommend taking a few courses from other concentrations as well.
'''Breadth Exposure'''  You must take all the courses from one of the concentrations. For the broadest exposure to computer science, we recommend taking a few courses from other concentrations as well.
'''Non-CS Courses'''  Courses that are not required but which are useful and recommended: Math 231 Calculus III, Physics (Phys 105 and 106, or Phys 115 and 116), Electronics (ECT 160 Electronic Fundamentals, ECT 173 Fundamentals of Information Technology, ECT 231 Digital Computer Logic, ECT 232 Digital Computer Circuits), an economics course. See the undergraduate catalog of courses for information on particular courses.
'''Non-CS Courses'''  Courses that are not required but which are useful and recommended: Math 231 Calculus III, Math 252 Programming in Mathematics, Math 313 Elementary Linear Algebra, Math 341 Probability and Statistics, Physics (Phys 105 and 106, or Phys 115 and 116), Electronics (ECT 160 Electronic Fundamentals, ECT 173 Fundamentals of Information Technology, ECT 231 Digital Computer Logic, ECT 232 Digital Computer Circuits), an economics course. See the undergraduate catalog of courses for information on particular courses.
'''Foundational Studies HIP''' Students who start at ISU starting in fall 2024 will have this requirement met based on their CS major (new required ECT courses that count for the requirement). Students who do not have ECT 437 and ECT 438 in their MySAM as required can choose to get overrides to take these courses, or choose from other HIP courses that do not have prereqs (options that do not have prerequisites that you can choose from (as of 2023) are ACE 330, COMM 482, EPSY 410, SPM 479).
'''Internships/Cooperative Experiences'''  Students are encouraged to seek internships and part-time jobs related to computer science as early as possible in your education. These experiences can greatly increase your chances of finding a good job right after graduating. Note that students who are in the US on a student visa can only be employed off campus as part of a requirement for a course (depending on your particular visa situation). Undergraduate students can enroll in CS 399; graduate students can enroll in CS 699. Contact one of the CS advisors for more information.
'''Start in CS 151?'''  For those starting CS at ISU, we need to decide if you will start in CS 151 during your first term. All CS students start in ECT 130, but those who are ready for a strictly programming course should also start in CS 151.  See [https://cs.indstate.edu/wiki/index.php/FAQ#CS_151 CS 151] in the FAQ for some guidance.
'''Lab sections, CS 499'''  The following courses now have required lab sections: CS 401, CS 456, CS 457, CS 458. These are co-reqs, so even if MySAM does not have the lab section listed as required (because you are on an older catalog year) you need to sign up for both the lab and lecture.  For example, in the computing science concentration you need to take CS 458, and will need to take CS 458L as well.  For CS 499, it is now being offered as 2 credits.  Your MySAM may list it as a 1 credit requirement, but you still need to take the 2 credit section (that is all that is being offered).  In both cases, the "additional hour" can count towards your CS electives if your MySAM lists CS electives as a requirement.  Note for graduate students - there are no lab sections for the 500 level versions of these courses; the instructor might allow you to sit in on the lab for extra help, check with them.
'''Internships/Cooperative Experiences'''   Students are encouraged to seek internships and part-time jobs related to computer science as early as possible in your education. These experiences can greatly increase your chances of finding a good job right after graduating. Note that students who are in the US on a student visa can only be employed off campus as part of a requirement for a course (depending on your particular visa situation). Undergraduate students can enroll in CS 399; graduate students can enroll in CS 699. Contact the associate chairperson of CS for more information.
''' Choosing Courses''' Each term when it is time to choose courses for the following term, you should do the following.
* In MySAM, check what you still need to complete, your advisor's past notes (at the bottom of the page in MySAM), and the plan that is in MySAM. That should give you your first draft of what to take in the following term.
* If taking any courses currently that are prerequisites for other courses, keep in mind whether you will likely earn a C or higher or not.  If you might not earn a C, include this possibility in your plans (retaking the course or changing concentrations if that would make the course not required) and let your advisor know.  CS courses that are prereqs for others: Math 132, CS 101 / ECT 130, 151, 170, 201, 202, 303, 351, 401&L, 456&L. You can see a chart of the prereqs in [https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1qlwH-zRga42O3jIYn6PeP8jbRKGQQV_URTIVUF4-CBU/edit?usp=sharing this document].
* Remember that most courses that are 100/200/300 level in CS are offered each Fall and Spring term, while most 400 level courses are offered only once per year.  Check the schedule of classes to confirm that the courses you wish to take are offered in the term you want to take them.
* In MySAM, check if you have any holds on registering, and if so make sure to take care of them. If you have questions about holds, contact the [https://www.indstate.edu/registrar Office of the Registrar].
* Note whether you will need a pin to register - https://www.indstate.edu/registrar/student-resources/advisement-pin-information
* Either schedule a meeting with your advisor, or write an email to your advisor with your plan for your courses. 
* When writing to your advisor, always include your id # (starts with 991 or 992) and which term you hope to graduate.
'''Start in CS 101 or CS 151''' For those starting CS at ISU, you need to decide if you will start with CS 101 or CS 151 as your first course (or both)See [https://cs.indstate.edu/wiki/index.php/FAQ#CS_101_versus_CS_151 CS 101 versus CS 151] in the FAQ for some guidance.
'''TBA / Online Asynchronous''' Courses that are online asynchronous will have time and place listed as TBA on the course schedule.  This is because these courses do not have a predetermined meeting time and placeRather, instruction is by video, email/Teams/discussion boards, and arranged meetings as needed. For CS courses, the online asynchronous sections are set so that anyone can register for them. In other departments, these sections are often set so that only distance students can register for them, though this is sometimes updated one week before the start of term so that anyone can register for them. For other departments, you can check with the department on their policy for these courses.
== Plans of Study ==
== Plans of Study ==
The course catalog contains plans of study for each major as does MySAM after you have declared a major.  To see sample plans of study for all of the different concentrations in one place, see [https://cs.indstate.edu/info/files/Program_plans_CS_2020.xlsx Program_plans_CS_2020.xlsx].  Note that this file contains the following plans of study, which are all separate sheets.
The undergraduate catalog contains plans of study for each major as does MySAM after you have declared a major.  To see sample plans of study for all of the different concentrations in one place, see [https://cs.indstate.edu/info/files/Program_plans_CS_2021.xlsx Program_plans_CS_2021.xlsx].  Note that this file contains the following plans of study, which are all separate sheets.
* CS BS computing science concentration, 8 semester plan
* CS BS computing science concentration, 8 semester plan
* CS BS computing science concentration, 6 semester plan (assuming foundational studies courses taken during first year but no CS).
* CS BS computing concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan (assumes you have completed a two year computer science [https://www.indstate.edu/transfer/pathways TSAP] at Ivy Tech or other Indiana college/university, then complete the CS degree at ISU in 4 semesters, see also [https://cs.indstate.edu/info/files/TSAP_CS.pdf TSAP learning outcomes])
* CS BS computing concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan (assumes you have completed a two year computer science [https://www.indstate.edu/transfer/pathways TSAP] at Ivy Tech or other Indiana college/university, then complete the CS degree at ISU in 4 semesters, see also [https://www.in.gov/che/files/TSAP_BW_Binder_Final%202015.pdf TSAP learning outcomes])
* CS BS data science concentration, 8 semester plan
* CS BS data science concentration, 8 semester plan
* CS BS data science concentration, 6 semester plan
* CS BS data science concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan
* CS BS data science concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan
* CS BS information science concentration, 8 semester plan
* CS BS information science concentration, 8 semester plan
* CS BS information science concentration, 6 semester plan
* CS BS information science concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan
* CS BS information science concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan
* Computer science master's degree plans for each of the CS MS concentrations (academic, bioinformatics, data science, professional).  This is "FYI" in case you become interested in staying at ISU for an MS.
You can also see the "CS BS" sheet  in [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mBt7E5r35rLXG5Ith0SjUMHiHmUtxH58v_ZOvt3bjvA/edit?usp=sharing CS Course Sequences] for the recommended sequence just for the CS courses.
* Computer science 4+1 plans for each of the CS MS concentrations (possible way to earn a BS in 4 years and an MS in one additional year - this is not yet approved)
You can also see the "CS BS" sheet  in [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mBt7E5r35rLXG5Ith0SjUMHiHmUtxH58v_ZOvt3bjvA/edit?usp=sharing CS Course Sequences (2020)] for the recommended sequence just for the CS courses.
== Constraints on Completing the CS BS ==
== Constraints on Completing the CS BS ==
There are two main constraints on how quickly you can finish a major - prerequisites (must case course X before Y, and Y before Z, etc.) and when courses are offered.  You can see the prerequisite structure for the CS courses in [https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1qlwH-zRga42O3jIYn6PeP8jbRKGQQV_URTIVUF4-CBU/edit?usp=sharing ISU CS BS program and prereqs - 2020], and you can see the recommended sequence to take courses in at [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mBt7E5r35rLXG5Ith0SjUMHiHmUtxH58v_ZOvt3bjvA/edit?usp=sharing CS course sequencing] (which in particular shows how to complete each concentration in 6-7 semesters depending on whether CS 101 is taken the first term and which term you start in).  You can see how the last two years of the major in each concentration can be completed in two years by checking the TSAP sheet in the linked sheet.  Your exact situation may differ slightly than any of these scenarios depending on what you already have completed in terms of CS courses and math courses.
There are two main constraints on how quickly you can finish a major - prerequisites (must take course X before Y, and Y before Z, etc.) and when courses are offered.  You can see the prerequisite structure for the CS courses in [https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1qlwH-zRga42O3jIYn6PeP8jbRKGQQV_URTIVUF4-CBU/edit?usp=sharing ISU CS BS program and prereqs], and you can see the recommended sequence to take courses in at [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mBt7E5r35rLXG5Ith0SjUMHiHmUtxH58v_ZOvt3bjvA/edit?usp=sharing CS course sequencing] (which in particular shows how to complete each concentration in 6-7 semesters depending on whether CS 151 is taken the first term and which term you start in).  You can see how the last two years of the major in each concentration can be completed in two years by checking the TSAP sheet in the linked sheet.  Your exact situation may differ slightly than any of these scenarios depending on what you already have completed in terms of CS courses and math courses.
Note that if a single course or prerequisite would result in delaying the completion of your degree please check with your advisor and the associate chairperson.  It may be appropriate to waive a prerequisite or petition for a substitution so that you can graduate when desired.  This is more likely to be possible the better you do in your CS courses, and of course there are no guarantees that we can accommodate the graduation timeline you would like.
Note that if a single course or prerequisite would result in delaying the completion of your degree please check with your advisor.  It may be appropriate to waive a prerequisite or petition for a substitution so that you can graduate when desired.  This is more likely to be possible the better you do in your CS courses, and of course there are no guarantees that we can accommodate the graduation timeline you would like.

Latest revision as of 23:00, 8 August 2024

The undergraduate programs are listed in the catalog and linked listed at CS Programs. The present page contains advice not contained there. Check the programs page and catalog information first, and then come back here.

Who to Get Advice From

Each student has an official advisor who should approve your selection of courses. Students normally have a major advisor and a professional university advisor to make sure you are on track to complete the Foundational Studies requirements. Students who do not yet have a CS faculty member as an advisor should feel free to contact the CS advisors to get advice and make sure you are taking the right courses.

The CS faculty who currently serve as advisors for undergraduate students are Jeff Kinne. Students can also get unofficial advice from other CS faculty and other students.


See the description of the CS major in the Undergraduate Catalog (https://catalog.indstate.edu/index.php) and for descriptions of the concentrations. Some additional notes on the concentrations...

  • Calculus - computing science and data science require calculus, while information science does not. If you choose one of the concentrations that requires calculus, take a math course each semester until you are through Math 132 Calculus II so that you will have that finished as a prereq when you need it. If you fear and tremble at the thought of taking calculus, choose the information science concentration.
  • Time to complete - below on this page has programs of study and information about course sequencing. You will see that the computing science and data science concentrations have a longer "prereq chain" - sequence of courses that have to be taken one before the next. The information science concentration has more lower level courses and can be completed more quickly. If you are a transfer student without the first few courses in the major done already, information science would probably have you finish sooner.
  • Courses outside your concentration - you should feel free to take courses outside your concentration as long as they fit in your schedule and you have the prereqs. You need to complete the requirements for one of the concentrations, but that does not prevent you from taking additional CS courses. In general, the wider exposure you get in your coursework the better.

Other Courses and General Advice

When Offered Most classes are only offered once per year. So, for example, you cannot plan to take CS 470 in the spring. Only the beginning CS courses are offered every semester, and certain courses are only offered once every two years or as needed. See Courses for information on when courses are normally offered.

Breadth Exposure You must take all the courses from one of the concentrations. For the broadest exposure to computer science, we recommend taking a few courses from other concentrations as well.

Non-CS Courses Courses that are not required but which are useful and recommended: Math 231 Calculus III, Math 252 Programming in Mathematics, Math 313 Elementary Linear Algebra, Math 341 Probability and Statistics, Physics (Phys 105 and 106, or Phys 115 and 116), Electronics (ECT 160 Electronic Fundamentals, ECT 173 Fundamentals of Information Technology, ECT 231 Digital Computer Logic, ECT 232 Digital Computer Circuits), an economics course. See the undergraduate catalog of courses for information on particular courses.

Foundational Studies HIP Students who start at ISU starting in fall 2024 will have this requirement met based on their CS major (new required ECT courses that count for the requirement). Students who do not have ECT 437 and ECT 438 in their MySAM as required can choose to get overrides to take these courses, or choose from other HIP courses that do not have prereqs (options that do not have prerequisites that you can choose from (as of 2023) are ACE 330, COMM 482, EPSY 410, SPM 479).

Internships/Cooperative Experiences Students are encouraged to seek internships and part-time jobs related to computer science as early as possible in your education. These experiences can greatly increase your chances of finding a good job right after graduating. Note that students who are in the US on a student visa can only be employed off campus as part of a requirement for a course (depending on your particular visa situation). Undergraduate students can enroll in CS 399; graduate students can enroll in CS 699. Contact one of the CS advisors for more information.

Start in CS 151? For those starting CS at ISU, we need to decide if you will start in CS 151 during your first term. All CS students start in ECT 130, but those who are ready for a strictly programming course should also start in CS 151. See CS 151 in the FAQ for some guidance.

Lab sections, CS 499 The following courses now have required lab sections: CS 401, CS 456, CS 457, CS 458. These are co-reqs, so even if MySAM does not have the lab section listed as required (because you are on an older catalog year) you need to sign up for both the lab and lecture. For example, in the computing science concentration you need to take CS 458, and will need to take CS 458L as well. For CS 499, it is now being offered as 2 credits. Your MySAM may list it as a 1 credit requirement, but you still need to take the 2 credit section (that is all that is being offered). In both cases, the "additional hour" can count towards your CS electives if your MySAM lists CS electives as a requirement. Note for graduate students - there are no lab sections for the 500 level versions of these courses; the instructor might allow you to sit in on the lab for extra help, check with them.

Choosing Courses Each term when it is time to choose courses for the following term, you should do the following.

  • In MySAM, check what you still need to complete, your advisor's past notes (at the bottom of the page in MySAM), and the plan that is in MySAM. That should give you your first draft of what to take in the following term.
  • If taking any courses currently that are prerequisites for other courses, keep in mind whether you will likely earn a C or higher or not. If you might not earn a C, include this possibility in your plans (retaking the course or changing concentrations if that would make the course not required) and let your advisor know. CS courses that are prereqs for others: Math 132, CS 101 / ECT 130, 151, 170, 201, 202, 303, 351, 401&L, 456&L. You can see a chart of the prereqs in this document.
  • Remember that most courses that are 100/200/300 level in CS are offered each Fall and Spring term, while most 400 level courses are offered only once per year. Check the schedule of classes to confirm that the courses you wish to take are offered in the term you want to take them.
  • In MySAM, check if you have any holds on registering, and if so make sure to take care of them. If you have questions about holds, contact the Office of the Registrar.
  • Note whether you will need a pin to register - https://www.indstate.edu/registrar/student-resources/advisement-pin-information
  • Either schedule a meeting with your advisor, or write an email to your advisor with your plan for your courses.
  • When writing to your advisor, always include your id # (starts with 991 or 992) and which term you hope to graduate.

TBA / Online Asynchronous Courses that are online asynchronous will have time and place listed as TBA on the course schedule. This is because these courses do not have a predetermined meeting time and place. Rather, instruction is by video, email/Teams/discussion boards, and arranged meetings as needed. For CS courses, the online asynchronous sections are set so that anyone can register for them. In other departments, these sections are often set so that only distance students can register for them, though this is sometimes updated one week before the start of term so that anyone can register for them. For other departments, you can check with the department on their policy for these courses.

Plans of Study

The undergraduate catalog contains plans of study for each major as does MySAM after you have declared a major. To see sample plans of study for all of the different concentrations in one place, see Program_plans_CS_2021.xlsx. Note that this file contains the following plans of study, which are all separate sheets.

  • CS BS computing science concentration, 8 semester plan
  • CS BS computing concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan (assumes you have completed a two year computer science TSAP at Ivy Tech or other Indiana college/university, then complete the CS degree at ISU in 4 semesters, see also TSAP learning outcomes)
  • CS BS data science concentration, 8 semester plan
  • CS BS data science concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan
  • CS BS information science concentration, 8 semester plan
  • CS BS information science concentration, 4 semester TSAP plan

You can also see the "CS BS" sheet in CS Course Sequences for the recommended sequence just for the CS courses.

Constraints on Completing the CS BS

There are two main constraints on how quickly you can finish a major - prerequisites (must take course X before Y, and Y before Z, etc.) and when courses are offered. You can see the prerequisite structure for the CS courses in ISU CS BS program and prereqs, and you can see the recommended sequence to take courses in at CS course sequencing (which in particular shows how to complete each concentration in 6-7 semesters depending on whether CS 151 is taken the first term and which term you start in). You can see how the last two years of the major in each concentration can be completed in two years by checking the TSAP sheet in the linked sheet. Your exact situation may differ slightly than any of these scenarios depending on what you already have completed in terms of CS courses and math courses.

Note that if a single course or prerequisite would result in delaying the completion of your degree please check with your advisor. It may be appropriate to waive a prerequisite or petition for a substitution so that you can graduate when desired. This is more likely to be possible the better you do in your CS courses, and of course there are no guarantees that we can accommodate the graduation timeline you would like.