Here is
my Simple Example of Web Application Development using Web2py App.
my sites
Admin's Loginpage.
Webapplications Homepage
create new applicationpane located to the left of the
webapps homepage
manageselection list available and choose
model-view-controllerdevelopment/edit page
basic html elementsor
web2py specific signature statements
def hello1(): return "Hello World"If the controller function returns a string, that is the body of the rendered page.
def hello2(): return T("Hello World")The function T() marks strings that need to be translated. Translation dictionaries can be created at /admin/default/design
def hello3(): response.flash=T("Hello World in a flash!") return dict(message=T("Hello World"))response.flash allows you to flash a message to the user when the page is returned. Use session.flash instead of response.flash to display a message after redirection. With default layout, you can click on the flash to make it disappear.
def hello4(): response.view='simple_examples/hello3.html' return dict(message=T("Hello World"))You can change the view, but the default is /[controller]/[function].html. If the default is not found web2py tries to render the page using the generic.html view.