Installation Steps
Reference to installation steps given below
web2py requires no installation.Just unzip the source file and execute the corresponding web2py file.
The web2py file corresponding to various systems are:
- On Unix and Linux : run python
- on OS X : open
- On Windows(binary) : run web2py.exe
- On Windows(source) : run c:/Python/python.exe
Follow the following steps to download the source file for mac
- Go to link and click on for mac.

- Go to the downloads folder and right click and open the wep2py file.

- Below screen appears. Choose and enter the password and click on start server.

- After the administrative password has been set,web2py starts up the browser at page:

- Click on adminisrative interface which directs to a login page. Enter the same admin password chosen at startup(step3) and click login.

- After login, the browser is redirected to the site page.

The page contains all the istalled web2py applications and administrator can manage them.By default it comes with three applications:
- admin:Used to manage the applications present
- examples:Online documetation and replica of web2py official website
- welcome:Basic template for any web2py application also referred to as scaffolding application
You are all set to create your own applications and play with web2py:)!!!