

A.Rafiey. Approximation of Hypergraph Coloring. Under Submission.


K.Khodamoradi, Ak.Rafiey, and A.Rafiey. Inapproximability of H-Coloring problems. Under Submission.


P.Hell, M.Mastrolilli, M.Nevisi, Ak.Rafiey, and A.Rafiey. Approximability and Inapproximability of Minimum Cost Homomorphism. Under Submission.


P.Hell, Ak.Rafiey, and A. Rafiey. Bi-arc Digraphs: Recognition algorithm and Applications. LATIN 2024


J.Kinne, Ak.Rafiey, A. Rafiey, and Mohammad Sorkhpar.  Vertex ordering with Precedence Constraints. FCT 2023.


A.Rafiey.  Recognizing Interval Bigraphs By Forbidden Patterns . J. Graph Theory, 100 (3), 504-529, (2022).



J.Bok, R.C. Brewster, P. Hell, N. Jedlickova, and A. Rafiey. Min Orderings and List Homomorphism Dichotomies for Signed and Unsigned Graphs. LATIN 2022


P.Hell, J.Huang, R.McConnell, A.Rafiey.  Min Orderable Digraphs. SIAM J. Discrete. Math. 34(3): 1710-1724 (2020)

Ak. Rafiey, A. Rafiey, and T. Santos, Towards a dichotomy of approximation of H-coloring. ICALP 2019.

H.Chen, D.Dothy, J.Manuch, A.Rafiey, and L.Stacho, Pattern overlap implies runaway growth in hierarchical tile system. JoCG, 7(2) (2016):3-18.

B.Mohar, A.Rafiey,B.Tayefeh-Rezaei, and H.Wu, Interval minors of complete bipartite graphs.  J. Graph Theory, 82(3): 312-321 (2016).

B.Bhattacharya, A.Custic, AK.Rafiey, A.Rafiey, and V.Sokol R.Krishnamurti, Approximation algorithm for generalized MST and TSP in grid clusters. COCOA 2015.

H.Chen, D.Dothy, J.Manuch, A.Rafiey, and L.Stacho, Pattern overlap implies runaway growth in hierarchical tile system. SoCG 2015.

A.Rafiey, V.Sokol,R.Krishnamurti, S.Mitrovic,A.P.Punnen,K.T.Malladi Colak, M. Ester, F. Moser and A.Rafiey, A network model for the hospital routing problem. ICORES 2015.

L.Egri, P.Hell, B.Larose, and A.Rafiey, Space Complexity of List H-colouring : a dichotomy, SODA 2014. 

P.Hell, B.Mohar, and A.Rafiey, Ordering without forbidden patterns. ESA 2014.

K.Khodamoradi, R.Krishnamurti, A.Rafiey, and G.Stamoulis, PTAS for Ordered Instances of Resource Allocation Problems. FSTTCS 2013.

M.Mastrolilli and A.Rafiey. On the Approximation of Minimum Cost Homomorphism to Bipartite GraphDiscrete Applied Mathematics 161(4-5): 670-676 (2013).

P.Golovach, P.Heggengers, D.Kratsch, and A.RafieyCliques and Clubs.  CIAC 2013.

P.Hell, M.Mastrolilli, M.Nevisi, and A.Rafiey, Approximation of Minimum Cost Homomorphisms. ESA 2012.

P.Jula, A.Rafiey. Coordinated Scheduling of a Single Machine with Sequence Dependent Setup Times and Time Window Constraints. Int. Journal of Production Research, 50 (8) :2304-2320 (2012).

P.Hell and A.Rafiey. The Dichotomy of Minimum Cost Homomorphism Problems for Digraphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 26-4 (2012), pp. 1597-1608.

P.Hell and A.Rafiey, Monotone Proper Interval Digraphs and Min-Max Orderings,  SIAM J. Discrete Math. 26(4): 1576-1596 (2012).

T. Feder, P. Hell, J.Huang and A. RafieyInterval Graphs, Adjusted Interval Digraphs, and Reflexive List Homomorphisms. Discrete Applied Math, 160 (6) : 697-707 (2012).

P.Hell and A.Rafiey, The Dichotomy of List Homomorphism for Digraphs, SODA 2011.

C.Thachuk, J. Manuch, A.Rafiey, L. Mathieson, L. Stacho, A.Condon. An Algorithm for the Energy Barrier Problem Without Pseudoknots and Temporary Arcs. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing  (2010) 108-119.

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, and A. Yeo. Minimum Cost Homomorphism to Oriented Cycles, Graphs and Combinatorics 25(4): 521-531 (2009).

Gupta, A. Khodabakhshi, J. Manuch, and A. Rafiey. Inverse Protein Folding in 3D Hexagonal Prism Lattice under HP Model.  Journal of Computational Biology,  June 2009 : 769-802.

Gupta, A. Khodabakhshi, J. Manuch, and A. Rafiey. A Robust Class of Stable Proteins in the 2D HPC, Journal of Computational Biology, January 2009: 19-30.

R. Colak, M. Ester, F. Moser and A.Rafiey, Mining Cohesive Patterns from Graphs with Feature Vectors. SDM 2009.

T.Feder, P.Hell, J.Huang, and A.Rafiey, Adjusted Interval Digraphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 32: 83-91 (2009).

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, and A. Yeo. Minimum Cost Homomorphism to Semicomplete Bipartite Digraphs, SIAM journal on Discrete Mathematics, 22(4) (2008) 1624–1639.

G. Gutin, P. Hell, A. Rafiey, and A. Yeo. A dichotomy for minimum cost graph homomorphisms, European Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (4) (2008), 900–911.    

A.Gupta, P.Hell, M.Karimi, A.Rafiey, Minimum Cost Homomorphism to Reflexive Digraphs LATIN (2008), 182-193.

Gupta, A. Khodabakhshi, J. Manuch, and A. Rafiey. A Robust Class of Stable Proteins in the 2D HPC, BIRD (2008), 180-192.

A.Gupta, A.Khodabakhshi, J.Manuch, A. Rafiey, Structure-approximating Design of Stable Proteins in 2D HP Model Fortified by Cysteine Monomers, APBC (Kyoto, Japan, 2008).

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, S.Szeider, A.Yeo, The Linear Arrangement Problem Parameterized Above Guaranteed Value, Theory of Computing Systems, 3 (2007) 521-538.

A.Gupta, M.Karimi, A.Khodabakhshi, J.Manuch, A. Rafiey, Design of Artificial tubular Protein Structures in 3D Hexagonal Prism Lattice under HP Model, BIOCOMP (2007) 362-369.

G.Gutin, T. Jensen, A.Rafiey , Characterization of edge-colored complete graphs with properly colored Hamilton paths, Journal of Graph Theory 53(4)(2006) 333-346.

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, A.Yeo, Minimum Cost and List Homomorphism to Semicomplete Digraphs, Discrete Applied Math, 154, (2006) 890-897.

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, M.Tso , A.Yeo, Level of Repair Analysis and Minimum Cost Homomorphism of Graphs , Discrete Applied Math, 154, (2006) 881-889.

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, S.Severini, A.Yeo, Hamilton Cycles in Digraphs of Unitary Matrices, Discrete Mathematics 306 (24), (2006).

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, A.Yeo, On n-partite tournaments with unique n-cycle, Graphs and Combinatorics, 22, (2006) 241-249.

G.Gutin, A.Rafiey, Multipartite tournaments with small number of cycles, Australian Journal of Combinatorics, 34(2006), 17-21.

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, S.Szeider, A.Yeo, The Linear Arrangement Problem Parameterized Above Guaranteed Value. CIAC (2006), 356–367.

G.Gutin, T. Jensen, A.Rafiey , Characterization of edge-colored complete graphs with properly colored Hamilton paths, Journal of Graph Theory 53(4)(2006) 333-346.

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, S.Severini, A.Yeo, Hamilton Cycles in Digraphs of Unitary Matrices, Discrete Mathematics 306 (24), (2006).

G. Gutin, A. Rafiey, A.Yeo, On n-partite tournaments with unique n-cycle, Graphs and Combinatorics, 22, (2006) 241-249.

G.Gutin, A.Rafiey, Multipartite tournaments with small number of cycles, Australian Journal of Combinatorics, 34(2006), 17-21.

C. Eslahchi, A.Rafiey, C-Perfect K-Uniform Hypergraphs, Ars  Combinatoria, 79, (2006) 235-244.

G. Gutin, N.Jones, A. Rafiey, S.Severini, A.YeoMediated Digraphs and Quantum Nonlocality, Discrete Applied Math, 150, (2005) 41-50.

G. Gutin and A. Rafiey, When n-cycles in n-partite Tournaments are Longest Cycles, Discrete Math, 289 (2004), 163–168.

G. Gutin and A. Rafiey, When n-cycles in n-partite Tournaments are Longest Cycles, Discrete Math, 289 (2004), 163–168.

C. Eslahchi and A. Rafiey, Circular Chromatic Number of Hypergaphs, Ars Combinatoria, 73 (2004), 239–246.

M.Karimi-Behbahani, A.Rafiey, M.Shahshahani, On the skeletons attached to the gray scale images, International  Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA’02) 282-288.